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All the most researched requirements by the island's connoisseurs in a great personality dammuso...also suitable for winter stays.


Refined elegance in a unique location


A big ancient cosy dammuso in wonderful position in front of sunset


A wonderful ancient dammuso with swimming pool, gracefully finished and furnished. Welcoming, very cool and in a extraordinary natural contest


A true jewel tastefully conceived and furnished, a magnificent, very welcoming and spacious dammuso with a super sight on the sunset....the pool is a masterpiece.


A perfect luxury dammuso


A true enchantment with direct access to the sea...position and sea view that will take your breath away. An exclusive jewel on the island, in one of the most suggestive locations of Mediterranean


two hearts, a dammuso and the sea... incomparable charming nest, at 20 meters from the water,


A big wonderful ancient dammuso with pool, a stunning charming property ...the true essence of the island


Fashion is a limit to the personal taste, this exciting old dammuso is the real demonstration, among the most extraordinary properties that this island could offer for taste and atmosphere.


An enchanting oasis of Art that embraces the fired sunsets and the African sea; perfect for who is searching for top comfort and for the highest care for details.


Magical sunsets over the sea in a well-kept and amazing love nest


A wonderful charming property facing Africa ... The sunsets of Pantelleria as you have never seen before!


In one of the most spectacular and scenic, meditative, this romantic dammuso is a perfect refuge for the soul




Art in open spaces, top comfort, sea and sunset view. Africa call us from the terraces of this flawless dammuso....another bijou!




Swimming pool, sunset and an amazing view on sea and Africa.....another dammuso to not to let.


Elegant antique dammuso surrounded by in an amazing Mediterranean park suspended over the sea ... the huge pool is really extraordinary.


A fine old dammuso with big swimming pool and a breathtaking view on the sea


A terrace where regenerate mind and spirit


Living in a postcard...


Sea view, mountain view and sunset view ... do you want something more?


Una straordinaria terrazza sospesa sull’infinito. Antico dammuso unico nel suo genere...romantico, puro ed etereo; una perla imperdibile per veri intenditori


autench Dammuso near the beatiful bay of Gadir


Me, you ... and the sea!


Un accogliente dammuso antico che conserva inalterato il sapore rurale dell’isola


Just at a stone's throw from the sea....overlooking the spectacular Martingana bay, a perfect solution for a sea holiday


Panoramic romantic dammuso in front of sea and sunset


Small dammuso with a beautiful view on sea and sunset


partial solutions Mobile reception Sea view Sunset view

This dammuso has got all the most researched requirements by the island's voilà the precious ingredients: Authenticity, wide spaces, privacy, sunset view, near to the sea, near to the services and best price-quality great ratio!

 The restoring and furniture have maintained unchanged a time atmosphere giving to this dammuso an original personality.

The vast and pleasant outdoor spaces are fresh and generously planted, the main terrace and the solarium overlook the sea, that is far 500 metres, and are directed towards the sunset and the Tunisian coasts.

From an easy private parking and crossing a bloomy garden we reach the first big terrace with table, here a ducchena between pillows and lanterns serves as a comfortable seat...from here the access to the dammuso.

What immediately is an eyes striking is the size of the living room divided in four big ambients, an entry zone with desk, a lounge with table and ducchena, a big alcove with masonry sofas and big fireplace and last a second alcove with sofa, ideal as a reading zone.

Well separated from the living area, we find the main double bedroom, a true suite composed by antechamber with outward facing, bed zone with vast wardrobes and bathroom.

Descending three stairs from the living area we reach an equipped kitchen, still very spacious and facing on two external ambients a protected terrace for outdoor dinners and a comfortable BBQ zone in lava stone with basin.

From this last terrace we reach the second bedroom composed by two single beds (if necessary could become one double), with private bathroom.

This ambient faces on another terrace with table and a camouflaged hammock among secular plants and bougainvillea.

The dammuso while enjoying a great privacy is in a very strategic position, at few steps from the cosy descent to the sea "La Vela" (with bar and famous fish restaurant) and nearby the picturesque Scauri district (second centre of the island for importance and services) where we find bar, restaurants, groceries, post office, harbour with boat or dinghy rental and diving centre.



...All that remains is relax!



  • accessori
  • arredamento
  • esterni
  • panorama
  • contesto
  • Distance from the village 0.5 km
  • Distance from the sea 0.5 km
  • Beds 4 (4 Beds)
  • Bedrooms 2
  • baths 2
  • Barbecue
  • Hairdryer
  • Mobile reception
  • Gas stove 4 fires
  • Oven
  • Heating
  • Outdoor shower
  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Refrigerator
  • TV
  • Fireplace
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Car and scooter rental

The island of Pantelleria with 55 km in circumference, a hinterland formed by dozens of hills, a mountain of 840 meters, a few hundred kilometers of paved roads and an infinity of dirt roads, it's not really small island so car or a scooter is essential.

In collaboration with our
car hire partner you can book with us, in addiction to your dammuso, a scooter or a car that we will be ready at your arrival arrive at harbour or airport, thus saving you long waits and no extra charge.

To book with us  you  have to make an easy request related to the rental car / scooter that you find in the dammuso reservation form.


Rental rates


Gruppo A - Fiat Panda Vintage 1993
(Minimum Age: 21 years old and driving licence from 1 year)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 24 July    
25 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    

Gruppo B - Fiat Panda 5 porte AIR 2008 - Suzuki Santana - Suzuki Jimny
(età minima: 21 anni e patente rilasciata da un anno)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 24 July    
25 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    


Gruppo C - Fiat Seicento 3 porte AC
(Minimum Age: 21 years old and driving licence from 1 year)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May € 170,00 € 30,00
30 May 03 July € 190,00 € 35,00
04 July 24 July € 210,00 € 40,00
25 July 07 August € 230,00 € 40,00
08 August 21 August € 350,00 € 60,00
22 August 04 September € 230,00 € 40,00
05 Septmber 31 December € 170,00 € 35,00


Gruppo D - NEW - Fiat Panda o Grande Punto 5 porte AC anno 2015/17 o similare
(età minima: 21 anni e patente rilasciata da un anno)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 24 July    
25 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    


Gruppo E – Scooter 125 cc. o 200 cc. (modelli 2012/2017)
(età minima: 21 anni e patente rilasciata da un anno)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 24 July    
25 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    


Gruppo 7 posti - Fiat Ulysse o similari
(età minima: 21 anni e patente rilasciata da un anno)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 24 July    
25 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    


Gruppo F - Fiat 500, 3 porte, full optional, cabrio o cambio automatico
(età minima: 21 anni e patente rilasciata da un anno)

From to  Weekly Daily
01 January 29 May    
30 May 03 July    
04 July 07 August    
08 August 21 August    
22 August 04 September    
05 Septmber 31 December    


Le tariffe comprendono: IVA 22%, chilometraggio illimitato, assicurazione RCA, consegna in aeroporto oppure negli uffici in via Messina.
Le tariffe non comprendono: il carburante. EXTRA:

La tolleranza prevista tra l'orario di inizio e fine locazione è di un'ora.
Superato tale limite verrà addebitato un giorno aggiuntivo di noleggio.

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